Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Daddy's simple discipline

{Kathy's daddy with her son, James}

I remember well a short and to-the-point conversation that I had with my daddy one day. I was walking out the door to return to Monroe to start my next semester of college.  I had just completed my worst semester ever -- before or since.  I’d made a dreaded D in one of my classes and thought I had hidden my grades when they came to the little post office in Kilbourne, Louisiana.  But somehow he knew; probably overheard me talking to Momma about it.


Oops, gotta scoot back in that screen door.  “Yes sir.”
“You’re not over there to play.” 

“Yes sir.” 

And out the door I went with that simple word of discipline ringing in my ears that day and many, many other days since then. 

{parable of the hidden treasure}

Language learning is hard work and mentally tiring.  Truman Smith taught me to conjugate verbs at Kilbourne High School, and I‘ve now conjugated them in 5 languages.  Some days I just don’t want to do it.  Some days I just want to crochet or sew or just sit and talk to Jay about our wonderful kids and plan our next vacation.  And then the Holy Spirit speaks that simple word of discipline to remind me that He didn’t call me here to live in DRC; He called me here to witness in DRC.  Sometimes He uses close to my daddy’s very same words.  “Kathy, you’re not over here to play.” 

Will you please pray right now for Jay and me to be diligent in Lingala study?

{Kikwit training team}

{pastors & wives who attended the training}

The month of May was full and exciting and, in some ways, worrisome.  The church planting training that you prayed for went so well.  More than 150 people attended from 33 different churches.  (We did that training in French, by the way.)  We have just recently completed follow-up calls to that training and have heard of one new church start, new disciple cell groups being started, 35 new people being saved in one church, 2 people in another church.  It’s a great privilege to be a part of God’s plan for the advance of His kingdom here in DRC.  You, too, are a part of that same plan as you pray for our ministry here.  There’s no way to express our gratitude for your prayerful support.  We look forward to the day when our Lingala has reached the “advanced low” level and we can focus on full-time ministry.

Will you please stop now and thank God that we see His kingdom coming in the city of Kikwit, DRC as His children there are obedient to follow Jesus and be fishers of men?

The worrisome part of the month has been that our passports have been tied up for weeks in the immigration office here as we await our exit visa.  Jay is there today with hopes of recovering our passports.  We need this exit visa in order to leave for the US on Monday for our son James’ wedding.

Will you please pray now for favor in the eyes of the immigration officials?

**UPDATE: Jay has the passports and visas IN HAND!  Praise the Lord!**

We are ever thankful for your presence with us on this journey. 


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