Thursday, February 1, 2018

Telling His story -- a way of life

This is our personal goal.  It is also the goal of our team here in DRC.  And it’s also the goal of our Timothys, those who meet with us regularly to learn to tell stories from God’s Word and hold each other accountable for doing it.
After we returned from our recent holiday trip to Spain for some time with family followed by a meeting with colleagues, we made some follow-up phone calls to our team of Timothys here in Kinshasa.  We heard this amazing news – 15 people confessed Christ and were baptized at Christmas in their church.  All because people are telling His story as a way of life.

{Practicing the story of the house on the rock}

In a city in the interior where we did a Tell His Story training in the fall, another pastor reported that 50 new believers were baptized in his church on Christmas day.  The fruit of more obedient disciples who tell His story as a way of life. 

{5 fingers represent 5 people to whom you’ll tell His story}

{Even children can tell His story as a way of life}

We miss our friends back in Burkina, and are so happy to know that they too are telling God’s story as a way of life.  Two dear colleagues and two amazing Christian brothers are this very week teaching a large group of women to be God’s storytellers.  Praise the Father as you read this excerpt from my colleague’s prayer letter:

We are living and breathing the one great story and our hearts 100% in for these two weeks.  We’ve just completed day 6 of our 10 day training.  And, at the end of day 5, the women were able to name the 85 stories in chronological order.  What a site to see and hear!!

Women, some who can read, some who can’t, who can cite the chronology of 85 important Bible stories as they follow a trail of rocks as a memory aid.  And soon, as they master the details of many of these to share with their friends and family, their storytelling way of life is certain to bring about new confessions of faith in Christ among their loved ones. 

Thank you for praying for us and our friends and colleagues as lifestyle storytellers. 

Tell His story.

Tell it often.

Tell it well.

May it become a way of life for you and for me.  “And you will be my witnesses…”